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Research Areas: Operations Research, Reliability Theory, Optimization Techniques, Applied Mathematics

Total Publications: 400 plus (journal articles/books/book chapters/conference articles/...)

Books/Edited Books Published

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; “Mathematical Concepts and Applications in Mechanical Engineering and

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; “Mathematical Concepts and Applications in Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics”, IGI Global Publisher, USA, 2016.

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; “Advances in Reliability and System Engineering”, Springer Publisher,

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; “Advances in Reliability and System Engineering”, Springer Publisher, 2017.

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; "Mathematics Applied to Engineering", Elsevier Publisher, 2017.

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; "Mathematics Applied to Engineering", Elsevier Publisher, 2017.

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; "Modeling and Simulation in Industrial Engineering", Springer Publish

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; "Modeling and Simulation in Industrial Engineering", Springer Publisher, 2017.

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; “Advanced Mathematical Techniques in Science and Engineering”, River

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; “Advanced Mathematical Techniques in Science and Engineering”, River Publisher, 2018.

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; “Diagnostic Techniques in Industrial Engineering", Springer Publisher

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; “Diagnostic Techniques in Industrial Engineering", Springer Publisher, 2018.

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; “Soft Computing Techniques and Applications in Mechanical Engineering

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; “Soft Computing Techniques and Applications in Mechanical Engineering”, IGI Global Publisher, USA, 2018.

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; “Advanced Mathematical Techniques in Engineering Sciences”, CRC Press

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; “Advanced Mathematical Techniques in Engineering Sciences”, CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.

Mangey Ram; “Modeling and Simulation Based Analysis in Reliability Engineering”, CRC Press-Taylor &

Mangey Ram; “Modeling and Simulation Based Analysis in Reliability Engineering”, CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.

Ilia Vonta and Mangey Ram; “Reliability Engineering: Theory and Applications”, CRC Press-Taylor & Fr

Ilia Vonta and Mangey Ram; “Reliability Engineering: Theory and Applications”, CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; “Advanced Applications in Manufacturing Engineering”, Elsevier Publis

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; “Advanced Applications in Manufacturing Engineering”, Elsevier Publisher, 2018.

Adarsh Anand and Mangey Ram; “System Reliability Management: Solutions and Technologies”, CRC Press-

Adarsh Anand and Mangey Ram; “System Reliability Management: Solutions and Technologies”, CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.

Mangey Ram, “Advanced Fuzzy Logic Approaches in Engineering Science”, IGI Global Publisher, USA, 201

Mangey Ram, “Advanced Fuzzy Logic Approaches in Engineering Science”, IGI Global Publisher, USA, 2019.

Mangey Ram; "Mathematics Applied in Information Systems", Bentham Science Publisher, 2018.

Mangey Ram; "Mathematics Applied in Information Systems", Bentham Science Publisher, 2018.

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; “Advances in System Reliability Engineering”, Elsevier Publisher, 201

Mangey Ram and J. Paulo Davim; “Advances in System Reliability Engineering”, Elsevier Publisher, 2019.

P. Negi, Mangey Ram, O.P. Yadav, “Basics of CNC Programming”, River Publisher, Denmark, 2019.

P. Negi, Mangey Ram, O.P. Yadav, “Basics of CNC Programming”, River Publisher, Denmark, 2019.

Mangey Ram, T. Dohi, “Systems Engineering: Reliability Analysis using k-out-of-n Structures”, CRC Pr

Mangey Ram, T. Dohi, “Systems Engineering: Reliability Analysis using k-out-of-n Structures”, CRC Press -Taylor & Francis, Science Publisher (An imprint of Taylor & Francis), 2019.

Mangey Ram, “Mathematics in Engineering Sciences: Novel Theories, Technologies, and Applications”, C

Mangey Ram, “Mathematics in Engineering Sciences: Novel Theories, Technologies, and Applications”, CRC Press - Taylor & Francis, 2019.

Journal Publications

  • Kharola, S., Ram, M., Goyal, N., Mangla, S. K., Nautiyal, O. P., Rawat, A., ... & Pant, D. (2022). Barriers to organic waste management in a circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 132282. [Impact Factor: 11.072].

  • Kharola, S., Ram, M., Mangla, S. K., Goyal, N., Nautiyal, O. P., Pant, D., & Kazancoglu, Y. (2022). Exploring the green waste management problem in food supply chains: A circular economy context. Journal of Cleaner Production, 131355. [Impact Factor: 11.072].

  • Mangey Ram, S. B. Singh, V. V. Singh, “Stochastic analysis of a standby system with waiting repair strategy,” IEEE Transactions on Systems Man & Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 698 -707, May 2013. Impact Factor- 11.471].

  • V. V. Singh, Mangey Ram, D. K. Rawal, “Cost analysis of an engineering system involves subsystems in series configuration,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol 10, no. 4, pp. 1124-1130, October 2013. Impact Factor- 6.636].

  • Mangey Ram, “On system reliability approaches: a brief survey,” International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, vol, 4, no. 2, pp. 101-117, June 2013 [ISSN (Print): 0975-6809, ISSN (Online): 0976-4348, Springer Publishers, NETHERLAND and INDIA, Indexing: SCOPUS and others].

  • Mangey Ram, M. Manglik, “Stochastic behaviour analysis of a Markov model under multi-state failures,” International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 686-699, December 2014. [ISSN (Print): 0975-6809, ISSN (Online): 0976-4348, Springer Publishers, NETHERLAND and INDIA, Indexing: SCOPUS and others].

  • Mangey Ram, A. Kumar, “Performance of a structure consisting a 2-out-of-3: F substructure under human failure,” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 8383-8394, November 2014. Impact Factor- 2.807.

  • A. Kumar, Mangey Ram, “Performance of marine power plant under generators, main and distributed switch board failures,” Journal of Marine Science and Application, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 450-458, December 2015. [ISSN (Print): 1671-9433, ISSN (Online): 1993-5048, CHINA, Springer Publishers, CHINA, Indexing: SCOPUS and others].

  • Mangey Ram, A. Kumar, “Performability analysis of a system under 1-out-of-2:G scheme with perfect reworking,” Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 1029–1038, May 2015.  Impact Factor- 2.361].

  • M. Manglik, Mangey Ram, “Behavioral analysis of a hydroelectric production power plant under reworking scheme,” International Journal of Production Research, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 648–664, January 2015. Impact Factor- 9.018].

  • Mangey Ram, A. Gupta, “Numerical solution to stochastic partial differential equation with variable repair rate,” Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, vol. 45, no. 21, pp. 6245-6252, November 2016. [ISSN (Print): 0361-0926, ISSN (Online): 1532-415X, Taylor and Francis Publisher, USA, Indexing: SCOPUS and others, Impact Factor- 0.893].

  • Mangey Ram, M. Manglik, “Performance evaluation of a multi-state system covering imperfect fault coverage,” Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, vol. 45, no.9, pp. 3259-3280, November 2016. [ISSN (Print): 0361-0918, ISSN (Online): 1532-4141, Taylor and Francis Publisher, USA, Indexing: SCOPUS and others, Impact Factor- 1.118].

  • N. Goyal, Mangey Ram, A. K. Dua, “An approach to investigating reliability indices for tree topology network,” Cybernetics and Systems, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 570-584, August 2016. [ISSN (Print): 0196-9722, ISSN (Online): 1087-6553, Taylor & Francis, AUSTRIA, Indexing: SCI, SCOPUS and others, Impact Factor- 1.879].

  • Mangey Ram, K. Nagiya, “Performance evaluation of mobile communication system with reliability measures,” International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 430-440, March 2016 [ISSN: 0265-761X, Emerald Publisher, UNITED KINGDOM, Indexing: SCOPUS, ESCI (Thomson Reuters) and others].

  • S. Rawat, N. Goyal, Mangey Ram, “Software reliability growth modeling for agile software development,” International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 777-783, December 2017.  Impact Factor- 2.157].

  • A. Kumar, S. Pant, Mangey Ram, “System reliability optimization using gray wolf optimizer algorithm,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 1327-1335, November 2017. Impact Factor- 3.007.

  • A. Kumar, Mangey Ram, R. S. Rawat, “Optimization of casting process through reliability approach,” International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 833-848, April 2017. [ISSN: 0265-761X, Emerald Publisher, UNITED KINGDOM, Indexing: SCOPUS, ESCI (Thomson Reuters) and others].

  • Mangey Ram, N. Goyal, A. Saxena, A. Tandon, A. Bhattacharya, “Estimation of performability parameters of centre heating system,” Nonlinear Studies, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 55-67, March 2017. [ISSN (Print): 1359-8678, ISSN (Online): 2153-4373, CSP-Cambridge, UK; I&S-Florida, USA, Indexing: SCOPUS and others].

  • Mangey Ram, N. Goyal, “Bi-directional system analysis under copula-coverage approach,” Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 1831-1844, June 2018. [ISSN (Print): 0361-0918, ISSN (Online): 1532-4141, Taylor and Francis Publisher, USA, Indexing: SCOPUS and others, Impact Factor- 1.118].

  • Mangey Ram; N. Goyal “Stochastic design exploration with rework of flexible manufacturing system under copula-coverage approach,” International Journal of Reliability, Quality & Safety Engineering, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 1850007, April 2018. [ISSN (Print): 0218-5393, ISSN (Online): 1793-6446, World Scientific Publishers, UNITED STATE OF AMERICA, Indexing: SCOPUS, ESCI (Thomson Reuters) and others].

  • N. Goyal, Mangey Ram, S. Banga, “Sensitivity assessment of air craft refrigeration,” Kuwait Journal of Science, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 29-38, February 2018. [ISSN (Print): 2307-4108, ISSN (Online): 2307-4116, Kuwait University, KUWAIT, Indexing: SCI, ISI, SCOPUS and others, Impact Factor- 0.948].

Book Chapters

  • Nupur Goyal and Mangey Ram; Welding process under fault coverage approach for reliability and MTTF, Mathematical Concepts and Applications in Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, IGI Global Publisher, USA, 2016 (Accepted)

  • Mangey Ram, Kuldeep Nagiya and Nupur Goyal; Mathematical modelling with an application to nuclear power plant reliability analysis, Research Advances in Industrial Engineering, Management and Industrial Engineering, pp. 89-102, 2015 (Springer Publisher).

  • Mangey Ram and Nupur Goyal; Gas turbine assimilation under copula-coverage approaches, Research Advances in Industrial Engineering, Management and Industrial Engineering, pp. 103-116, 2015 (Springer Publisher).

  • Nupur Goyal, Mangey Ram and A. Mittal; Reliability measures analysis of a computer system incorporating two types of repair under copula approach, Numerical Methods for Reliability and Safety Assessment, pp. 365-385, 2015 (Springer Publisher).

Conference Publications

  • Mangey Ram, Monika Manglik and Navneet Joshi; “Multi-state system analysis under comprehensive repair facility” in IEEE International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering and Technology (ICSCTET) Graphic Era Hill University, Bhimtal Campus, Nainital Uttarakhand, INDIA (August 7-8, 2014), pp. 1-6, Print ISBN:978-1-4673-9119-1, DOI:10.1109/ICSCTET.2015.7371193.

© Dr. Mangey Ram 2016-2025

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